Monday, 12 August 2013

Birthday Wishes . .

So, tomorrow is my Birthday.

I know what I'm getting with my Birthday Money.

I'm going to get a yarn swift.

I've been eyeing the swifts from the Hornshaw Wood Works for a while now -- I love the fact that they're hand-crafted; and I'm hearing really good things about them.  I also need something that will compact for my small apartment.  I also like them because they don't need to be clamped to a table (I have very few surfaces that can take a clamp).  The shipping costs for shipping to Canada for aren't great, but they're not -horrible-, either.

So, I'll take my birthday money and splurge on a swift, -before- I pull out the 1000-yard skeins of lace weight yarn that are hiding around in my stash cupboard. :D


  1. Hi I just joined the group on Ravelry to receive more comments on my blog! This should make me post a little more. Happy Birthday and I think you should buy yourself a swift, I don't have one myself, but know that they are really great

    1. Thank you for the Birthday wishes!

      I'm quite looking forward to having a swift. :) I'll probably put the order in later today.
